“Let us come together to stir up good works, love, and encourage one another over a cup of coffee.”
-Affirmations CoFFEE
Affirmations Coffee is currently a small start up business. We are in the process of securing a starting location and determining who our coffee vendor will be. Eventually, we plan on roasting our own beans. You can be sure that we will continually keep you informed on the progress of our business.

Affirmations is all about serving!
We are about serving a tremendous cup of coffee as well as serving the customer compliments and affirmations that will build up and instill a sense of value, purpose, and confidence. Even more than that, we at Affirmations are about casting our light into the world; and so 10% of our profits will be donated to charities every year. We plan on being the change in the world that we want to see.
Progress of the Business
Thus far progress has been coming along slowly, yet surely. We are starting to gain contacts and acquaintances to help move forward with the blog and the business itself.
Affirmations Coffee is officially starting to sell coffee! I’m buying green coffee beans in small batches and and selling as the orders come in. I want to grow the company at the speed of cash so that I can grow the whole business debt free. This will be a little bit hard, but I know the business will be able to grow and actually make profit faster than if I took out loans or anything for it.
I (Cody) need to apologize for not posting blogs regularly. I’ve been meaning to and writing lots of rough drafts, but sadly I haven’t been able to have them edited. That’s on me. Though, I have written an ebook and that is being published on the website. I have also been writing a second book that I am looking into actually having published in stores, still under the Affirmations Coffee brand.
Check back with us soon for further updates on Affirmations Coffee and feel free to leave comments with ideas and questions.
Recent Awesomeness
- Tranquility Tuesday
- Take Chances
- Passover
- Be The Hero
- Joshua 1:9
- Turn The Water On
- Passion Planner
- Stop Flapping!
- We’ll See
- Everybody Has Their Own Kind of Crazy
- Listen First
- A Mothers Motivation